The 50 Best Wonder Woman Cosplays We've Ever Seen: Page 10 of 11

50 Best Wonder Woman Cosplays
Ambra and her amazing Wonder Woman cosplay!

6. Yaya Han

Cosplay by Yayacosplay

With her superpowers and especially her super-strength, Diana is one of the most powerful members of the Justice League. Combined with her skills as a warrior, alongside her magical weapons, Diana is an awe-inspiring heroine.

5. Lossien

Cosplay by lossien

Diana is a hero, putting herself in harm’s way to save people in need. As she says in 2017’s Wonder Woman, “I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.”

4. Ivy

Cosplay by Ivy95

2017’s Wonder Woman was the tenth highest-grossing film worldwide for that year. It is currently at number 15 for top-grossing superhero movies worldwide.

3. Giorgia Cosplay

Cosplay by Giorgia Cosplay

In the movies, Diana was trained by her aunt, Antiope, in secret, as Diana’s mother, Queen Hippolyta, did not want her to be trained to be a warrior. Eventually, her mother relented and Diana became a skilled, talented warrior.

2. FireDust

Cosplay by FireDust

Wonder Woman also uses magical shields. They’re indestructible, and able to deflect bullets and energy blasts.

Preferring to spend time in space and occasionally the odd fantasy world or two, Michelle quite enjoys creating stories for distribution amongst the populace.
Gamer Since: 1989
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed 2 , Star Wars: Battlefront,

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IronLotus's picture

IronLotus 4 years 3 months ago

The cosplayers in this article are all good. Please look up Lis Wonder. No other cosplayer is even close to Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. She's a dead ringer for Gal. It's uncanny.